Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sweet love

Just wanted to take the moment to remember....
I was sitting here in the bed having just 'rescued' the baby from his dismay, when I received the best love ever. You see we have been fighting the plague here at the house. Starting with Rhyner, then Ryersen, moving to myself, then Daddy...wait it's Lylah's turn and the last man standing is Ailey! Pray for her, it'll be a God send if she doesn't get it! That said, poor Ryersen has been a bit neglected and pushed off on his schedule. This due to all the CLEAN UP which has had to done. Between catch up from the day I was down, to scoop up from what ends up down...on the floor!! Not that I wanted to remember that but what I did want to remember is this. As I rescued the baby, calmed him and readied him to nurse...he gazed at me. His gaze was waiting for my eye contact and when I did he just stared looking back and forth between my eyes. But not just looking, loving. It was wonderful, amazing that with no words he told me 'I love you mom, I just needed to be with you'. As his gaze moved from my eyes and to my mouth I smiled at him and he smiled back the sweetest smile. It was almost as if he was assuring that he was ok and had what he needed. It was just the sweetest love amidst all the turmoil in the house....oh dear Lylah just, eh em', yah she's still sick!!!

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